about me

I am a Miller postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley, hosted by Umesh Vazirani.

I received my PhD at the University of Washington, advised by James Lee. Prior to that, I did my undergrad at UT Austin, where I did a thesis advised by Scott Aaronson.

a [photo] and a [CV] (last updated December 2024)


I work on quantum computing, often topics that are “quantum + learning”.

Using the jargon, my two main lines of work are in quantum learning theory and dequantized or quantum-inspired algorithms for machine learning.

Some broad motivating questions for me are: How can we evaluate promising applications of quantum computers? How can we design algorithms for understanding nature? and In what settings is engineering a big quantum system tractable?

For more, see my [research] and [teaching] statements.

[google scholar] [talks and teaching]


pronouns: she/her
email: ewin@berkeley.edu
twitter: @ewintang